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Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

Provincial Nominee Program

Canada is a diverse economic country; it encloses many job opportunities in every province and territory. Embark into the land which engulfs breathtaking history, snow-capped mountains, extensive coastlines, epic hiking trails, sporadic plateaus, and forested valleys, exquisite surreal shades of blue and modern amenities.

Customarily, Provincial Nominee Program accounted as a great success. It acts as a tool for economic growth across Canada. Its arrival in Canada highly supports employment, investment, entrepreneurship and spending.

What is Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)?

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) enables a province to nominate an immigrant and settle in a province based on its provincial economic needs

Initially, in 1998, PNP was created to help the provinces and territories welcome immigrants who meet their labour needs. PNP has become the fastest growing immigration pathway to Canadian permanent residency. If you can accord something from your end to the sustenance of a province; then, they are ready to welcome you with joy.

Why PNP came into existence?

Customarily, immigrants choose the province where their relatives, friends or colleagues reside. Such cases will also lead to a low population. It will also affect the economy of several other provinces. To stabilize this Provincial Nominee Program came into existence; through this, the provinces will welcome the immigrants if their profile matches their labour market needs. PNP is part and parcel of the economic strategy of Canada. Contradictorily, the high economy and low economic rate reflected in the provinces.


If suppose the immigrant could not meet the CRS score required in accordance with the latest Express Entry draw, no worries. When one door closes, another one opens immediately. They can apply for Canada PR through the Provincial Nominee Program. PNP is the most convenient way for immigration.


Generally, in Canada when it comes to selecting immigrants – it is shared between the federal government and the provincial/territorial governments.

Examples of PNP

Provincial Nominee Program is the easiest way to settle in Canada. Provincial Nominee Program encloses different streams based on its categories, for example,

If an individual has completed his education in Canada, he will fall under a disparate stream

Whereas, if an individual is a skilled worker, let us assume him as an engineer or lawyer. Then he will have a disparate stream for his profile.

Some provinces in Canada prefer to welcome immigrants who have prior experience in occupations that are in demand. While on the contrary, other provinces will welcome immigrants who have a close connection with that province, either through education, employment, or relatives.


Provincial Nominee Programs proffered by the provinces have their eligibility and requirements according to their demographic needs. For example, if a province chooses to welcome immigrants who have prior experience in a reliable occupation, while; the other might prioritize through language experience (e.g.: French language experience). Through Provincial Nominee Programs, the province can welcome individuals to work, settle, and contribute to their community. Mostly, provinces wish immigrants to have some connection with them. Either they should have worked or studied in that province, or they should have a job offer from an employer of that particular province.

Permanent Residence through PNP

If an individual is applying for a Permanent Resident visa through Provincial Nominee Program, they can get advantages like an additional 600 CRS score to their profile and eligible to apply for a Permanent Resident visa directly through IRCC. The Provincial Nominee Program plays a vital role in Canadian Immigration policy. Through this, they expect to welcome around 250,000 people as a permanent resident between 2021 to 2023. Provincial Nominee Program plays a significant role in Canadian immigration policy.

Benefits of the PNP program

It speeds up the application process of your Canada PR. Once they receive PNP nomination, they are free to work and live in Canada as long as they want to.


They can attain Canadian Citizenship easily once they start to live in Canada. Young immigrants who possess study language skills, high levels of education, and skilled work experience, prior Canadian connections are best suited for this program. Immigrants who come to the Provincial Nominee Program have a chance to integrate swiftly with the Canadian job market.


Statistical research shows that PNP immigrants can earn high wages, high rates of labour participation and employment and there is a low chance for unemployment.

Ways to apply for PNP?

The salient reason why many immigrants choose PNP is, even if their profile does not match the express entry program. If they have the required skills for the regional labour market needs, then; they are eligible for the Provincial Nominee Program.


There are two ways to apply for Provincial Nominee Program in Canada:

Non- Express Entry

Express Entry Method

1. Non-Express Entry

Through these methods, the immigrants can apply directly to the provinces or territory where their profile is in demand. The immigrant has to submit Experience of Interest (EOI) to the province.

EOI is to state their interest in applying to that particular province. Once the individual submits his Experience of Interest (EOI) if, his profile is selected, the province will send him a Notification of Interest (NOI). Once the Notification of Interest is sent to the individual, they will give some time duration for the individual to submit all the documents. After the submission of the documents, the province will verify the documents. Whether; it matches their National Occupancy Code. Once it matches their NOC, the individual will receive a Letter of Invitation (LOI). After getting LOI, 600 CRS points will be added to their profile.

2. Express Entry Method

If an immigrant has to create an express entry profile, he has; to apply through the Express Entry Method. Through this, they can choose a province or territory of their choice. After this, they can apply directly for the provincial nomination depending upon the vacancy in the province or territory.


Conventionally, an Express Entry visa is a prevalent pathway to enter Canada. If an individual could not meet up Express Entry CRS score, no worries. If their score is around 400, then; they can apply for the Provincial Nominee Program. It is the trouble-free way to get permanent residency; why? because once you get the nomination, your CRS score will escalate to 600. It is one of the substantial benefits of the nominee programs.


Provincial Nominee Program instigated as a blessing for the immigrants; whose profile does not get selected through Express Entry System. All the provinces have to agree with the Canadian government before nominating the immigrants to their province. The provinces that have exceptions are Quebec, Nunavut, and Northwest Territories. Among these three, Quebec has its own Provincial Nominee Program. It does not peer with the other provinces.

Business Immigration Program

Provincial Nominee Program also encloses business immigration programs for individuals who are willing to start or invest in a Canadian business. The amount of investment and net worth requirements for the business varies from province to province.

There are four categories in this:

Start-up Visa


Investor Visa


Along with all these, the immigrant should have prior business management experience. Boons for the provinces because of establishing a business in Canada:

It will develop the welfare of the local environments.

Reduces unemployment in that province.

Increases job demand.

Some provinces in Canada require minimum work experience to start a business. But, in some provinces, they require 2-5 years of full-time experience. Yet in some provinces; they do need prior experience but not based on specific years.

Investor Visa Program

The Investor Programs was designed to attract business people and their capital to Canada. The investor program is designed to attract skilled business people. They should contribute to Canada’s growth by investing in Canada’s economy. If an immigrant meets all the requirements for the Canadian Investor program, then, he is eligible to get a permanent resident in Canada along with his family members. A province in Canada offers an opportunity for immigrants who wish to immigrate to Canada, through an investor visa.


They can apply through the investor stream in the Provincial Nominee Program. Based on its economy, opportunities, market gaps, and needs of the provinces, they will establish their own set of rules and eligibility criteria. If immigrants fit into those criteria, they can enter Canada through Investor Visa.


Canadians feel that Entrepreneurs can create employment opportunities. They also can contribute to the Canadian economy. So they are greatly encouraged by the Canadian government if they meet all the requirements. Currently, Canada is keenly looking out for newcomers who have the entrepreneurial experience, skills, and innovation to start, manage or buy a business in their country. With these new investments, Canada feels that it can have ensured success in its economy through diversification and development.

Let us take a close reading about the Provincial Nominee Program:

Start-Up Visa

A Start-Up Visa Canada means normal business immigration or investor visa option that allows you to immigrate to Canada, to start a business in the country.


The government of Canada allows an individual to start a business; only if they get to know that, the individual can contribute to the economy or the artistic or cultural life of Canada. If a business immigrant wishes to get permanent residence in Canada, they do not have to meet any firm terms and conditions.


When it comes to the business immigration program, it does require the applicant to create a detailed business plan. The plan should explain the type of business being purchased or established. That business should be disparate from the one that already exists in Canada. They should also have a detailed financial projection; that depict the purchase of a business; that will benefit the local economy and labour market of the province


Canada encloses a good progressive society, peerless infrastructure, sterling human development index, and prodigious employment rate. Withal, Canada will never fail to take care of you and your family. Because they feel everyone is equal and everyone should get the utmost care and welfare. Canada will be a prodigious place for everyone to realize their potential. Once you step in here, you will never feel like a newcomer to a new land. Provincial Nominee Program functions in coordination with the federal government. They do approve the applications of talented individuals for permanent residence.

Talk to our Experts

New Beginning Immigrations is helping in every possible aspect to fulfill your dream for work and settle in your dream country. We are assisting you with all programs like Express entry, General Skilled migration and Temporary visa. Nowadays its become a land of opportunity for the immigrants it’s time to take the opportunity and utilize it. We have an expert team to guide your application with value-added services. If you think to adapt a great lifestyle in Canada then New Beginning Immigrations is the right place to start.

Connect with us today and let us help you begin the journey to your dream country with our professional immigration services.

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